Donate to make a difference.

Please donate using GlobalGiving in the UK.

You can also donate from Australia, Canada, Euro-currency countries, and US.

You can also donate online through Betterplace

Bank details (Germany)
Account name: ViaNiños e. V.
Bank: BBBank Karlsruhe
Bank code: 660 908 00
Account number: 674 01 03
IBAN: DE10 6609 0800 0006 7401 03

You can donate online through TWINT in Switzerland

Bank details (Switzerland)
Account name: ViaNiños
Bank: PostFinance
Account number: 60-180243-1
IBAN electronic: CH74 0900 0000 6018 0243 1
Clearing Nummer: 09000

100% of your donation will be used to help street and and working children in Ecuador. As a registered non-profit organisation, donations to ViaNiños in Germany, Switzerland and the UK are tax deductable (ViaNiños can provide you with an overview of your annual donations for tax purposes).

Please give us your current address. In the UK, you can help us by electing to Gift Aid your donation, which means that for every £1 you donate we can claim an extra 25p from the government. If you donate online through GlobalGiving you are given the option to do this or if you make a direct donation and would like us to claim Gift Aid on your behalf, please email us at

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